Showing posts with label Flora. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flora. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bunny Orchids early showing

First bunny orchids are up along our drive. Last year it was May before we saw any.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Slipper Orchid

There are  two magnificent slipper orchids  at the end of our drive.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Kangaroo Paws

It is a great year for kangaroo paws with lots of them up around the B&B. Sean Blocksidge of Margaret River Discovery Tours took this lovely picture of a field of kangaroo paws. The rain that we have had has meant it is going to be (is now) a magnificent 2013 wildflower season.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Snail Orchid looking out

First Snail orchid is showing its pretty face. This is probably Pterostylis dilatata, the Robust Snail Orchid. It is growing just in front of our garden shed.

Monday, April 23, 2012

First orchid for the season

The first Bunny Orchid has appeared. We had 12mm of rain and this was obviously enough of an indication for it to flower. Bunny Orchids are always the first orchids to appear but they only last about 3 weeks, then there is a gap before the other orchids start to flower.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Two Leek Orchids. The Slender Leek Orchid and an unknown yellow Leek Orchid.  In a patch that was burnt last year.

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Caledinia orchids for 2011

First cowslip orchid for the year. Quite a lot are now suddenly popping up.

First spider orchid seen this year. This was on the Leavesley's block that was burnt last summer.

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First Caledinia orchids for 2011

First cowslip orchid for the year. Quite a lot are now suddenly popping up.

First spider orchid seen this year. This was on the Leavesley's block that was burnt last summer.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wild Flora Sneak Preview

Artist Margaret Packam-Leavesley from Loaring Place in Margaret River, gave us a sneak preview of her cow today. Her cow will join all the others in the magnificent Cow Parade later this year. Wild Flora has been sensitively painted with some of the more spectacular native flowers that grow wild on the Wildflower Ridge. All the blocks of land around Loaring Place form the southern end of the Wildflower Ridge, so named because of the diverse wildflowers found on the ridge.

Travellers going through the domestic airport will soon be able to admire all the flowers painted on the cow by Margaret.

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Leek Orchid

Joanna went horse riding at the Nicols in Karridale with Terry while I went for a walk in the bush. Discovered a leek orchid called the Christmas Leek Orchid, Praesophyllum brownii (it was first collected by Robert Brown in Albany in December 1801).

Joanna and Terry returning from a horse ride around the blue gum plantation.  The leek orchid was down in that creek line to the right.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rattlebeaks and Giant Spiders

The bush is coming alive with orchids. I've just seen my first Rattlebeak Orchid and there are lots of Giant Spider Orchids, as well as a new all white spider orchid.

The Farmers Market and Lions Market are on this morning so heading out to those.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Orchid Season in full swing

Orchids are popping up all over the block. John and Penny from Cumbria (Lake District) have just spent two days here photographing a large number of orchids. They were amazingly knowledgeable and identified a few species that I was not aware of.

Now have lots of Cowslip Orchids, quite a few Donkey Orchids, plus a Jug Orchid, a Snail Orchid, a Mantis Orchid and a Hooded Orchid. Very soon the Spider Orchids will show their faces.

Busy long weekend ahead. Already most accommodation in Margaret River is full. Have a good weekend everyone and drive carefully.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bunny Orchids

Five Bunny Orchids have appeared in the last week along our front drive and two are just by the front entrance. These are the first orchids to appear.  Soon there will be lots of orchids to investigate. On our block are 5 different spider orchids, Cowslip orchids, rattlebeaks, enamel orchids as well as lobelias and many trigger plant species.

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Monday, May 11, 2009


The Margaret River region is renowned for beautiful landscapes featuring unique flora. Loaring Place has a variety of beautiful flowers in the peaceful bush surrounding the Bed and Breakfast - nature on your doorstep.