Date of review: Nov 16, 2009
到玛格丽特河之前,我先生从帕斯到玛格丽特河开了300多公里路,在gps的带领下,很方便就找到了这家家庭式的旅馆,刚到旅馆门口,主人的狗狗已经热情的奔跑到门口来迎接你的到来,在这典型澳洲房子里,被森林包围着,把路途的遥远和疲劳都遗忘了,在入住时房东的环保意识让我们了解澳洲的环保为啥这么之好了,房间的卫生间水是我们上海人说的天落水“雨水”可以直接饮用,洗澡前要把凉水存着,浇花,房间小巧但在房东细心的布置下面面俱到,干净、舒适的床,铺着电热毯,床上的白色亚麻压花床上用品,在做了spa后,让我们沉沉的入睡,早晨睡到被森林里的鸟儿monrig call叫醒,等你走出房门,房东正在准备典型澳式家庭早餐,鸡蛋、培根、吐司等,让我们久居城市的人羡慕外还是羡慕。

Prior to the Margaret River, my husband to Margaret River from Perth to open more than 300 kilometers, under the leadership of the gps, it is easy to find this family hotel, arrived in hotel door, the owner The dog has a warm run to the door to greet your arrival, in this typical Australian house, surrounded by forest, the distant journey, and fatigue were forgotten in check the environmental awareness of the landlord let us know Australia's environmental Why so the good, the room is the toilet water, said Shanghai's days involved "water" to drink, bathe before you put the cold water storage, water the flowers, the room small but carefully arranged in the landlord under the exhaustive, clean , comfortable beds, covered with blankets, bed linen embossed white bedding, a spa after doing so that we and fell asleep in the morning sleep by the forest birds monrig call wake-up, so you walk out the door , the landlord is preparing a typical Australian family breakfast, eggs, bacon, toast, etc., let us admire the people living in the city outside, or envy.
· Reviewer ratings for this hotel:
· Date of stay: November 2009
· Visit was for: Leisure
· Traveled with: Spouse/Partner
· Age group: 35-49
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